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Agustus 14, 2008

More money, more health, more happiness!

Alexander Tretjakov ,
You can change the quality of your life by doing these

simple steps �

1. Change the way you feel.

Emotions are very important in our life. When we feel down, our

life seems bleak and we feel unmotivated to do anything. Good

news is that you can change your mood simply by thinking of

pleasant memories from the past. Our mind is incredibly powerful.

We just need to be able to steer it in the direction we want

it to go.

2. Change the way you think

This one is tricky. Here I am not talking about simply forcing

your self to be unnaturally positive about everything. I am

talking about developing an understanding of things around you,

so you will be able not to be negative. Through understanding

why things happen, you will be able to not get mad at unimportant

things. You will simply let them go.

3. Change the way you relate to other people.

When we relate to others it is highly important to understand

where they are coming from. Just think how many times you were

upset at someone simply because you did not understand them or

their point of view. If we will start looking for understanding

first, in any situation, instead of simply reacting, we will

avoid half of the problems that we have in our lives today.

4. Change the way you think about money.

Money is a sticky subject. People, from the time immemorial,

had issues with money. Be it, calling money evil, or putting

it on a pedestal, there was always a lot of drama surrounding

this subject. The fact is though - money by it self is natural.

People do good or bad things with money. But in it self money

is just an energy that flows from one person to another. It

also plays an incredibly important role in our lives. It is

like glue that allows everything to work in this physical world.

And just as glue isn't the most important part of any object,

money isn't be all and end all. However, it is so important

that without an idea of some sort of an exchange of currency,

this world would not be able to function. So with that in mind,

money is another vital skill that we need to learn, to fully

participate in this worlds affairs. We need to know how to ear

it, save it and spend it. All of that is very important to our


5. Change the way you think about your self.

You can't affect any sort of change in your life if you do not

like your self. Your self worth will influence everything

you do. If you do not think you are worth it, your chances

for success in anything diminish significantly.

One of the ways of increasing your self esteem would be to pay

attention to any success that you achieved, however small.

Learn how to forgive your self when you fail. This is a way of

conditioning your mind to look at your self as a valuable being.

6. Use creativity in every aspect of your life.

One of the greatest and most fulfilling things we can do

to change our life is to use our own creativity as much as

possible in our daily life. Being creative is one of those

things that is integral in our life yet we pay almost no conscious

attention to it. If you feel that your life became a drag, all

you have to do is to awaken your creativity again and it will be

transformed in an instant.

One of the surest ways to awaken your creative ability is

to simply use it as much as possible. You can also check out

a program where you go through an intense boot-camp to do the

same ( Whichever way you do it however,

you must do it, if you want to sky rocket your satisfaction

in life.

7. Change the way you think about your body.

You probably heard many times that our bodies are our temples.

Even though we often don't treat our bodies as such, it is

worthwhile to make an effort in that department. You see one

of the best arguments I know for this is simply that everything

in life is interconnected. If we don't take care of our bodies,

both from physical exercise and nutrition point of view, they

simply will not function very well. And if we don't feel well

physically, you can bet that we will not feel well emotionally,

neither. Another point to bring up is the reverse of the previous

statement - you can easily improve your out look on life by taking

the time to improve how you take care of your self. It is not

difficult to start feeling great if you haven't exercised in

a while or you are eating really badly.

8. Change what you eat.

Nutrition, although previously mentioned, definitely deserves more

emphasis. Today obesity is one of the biggest problems in

North America. If we don't change that soon it will become

catastrophic as the population ages. So how do we actually

improve our eating habits? We educate our selves. The best tip

I know in changing the way you eat is ... (drum roll) ... learn

from an expert. Go see a nutritionist. Not only a good

nutritionist will be able to craft an ultimate way for you to eat,

but they would do it in a customized way specifically made for your

body and situation.

9. Pay attention to what is happening around you.

We lead very busy lives. Work, kids - it seems that every minute of

the day is taken by something important. In this constant

rollercoaster it is easy to get "stuck on yourself". We sometimes

loose perspective and stop seeing what is happening around us, as

we are trying to deal with our own problems. If we do, it can cause

innumerable problems and friction with people around us.

The best practice to avoid that is, from time to time, to become

an observer. Develop the ability to view your life from the third

person perspective. This may be a difficult concept to understand,

but getting help in this department is easy. Most meditation

traditions teach exactly this principal.

10. Give only what you would like to receive.

Give on to others what you would like for your self - is one of those

ancient Christian sayings that rings true in our modern time.

To bring it to the modern era, let's look at it from a business

perspective. Psychology that applies to sales process also applies

in many other arias of our life. In sales in order to persuade

the prospect to buy, we use such techniques as mimicking, sincerity

and others designed to make that person trust us. But in reality all

we are doing is practicing that old principal of making others feel

how we want to feel. We are creating an emotional experience for

another person and they reward us with a sale. This as well as all

the other principals we discussed is very simple. All we need to do

is apply them one by one and we will become happier better human being.

Copyright 2006

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